Tuesday 30 September 2014

Welcome To KushTown

KushTown.Population: 420. The most heavenly place on Earth. Every day and night we smoke dat Kush. After Breakfast, After sex, after a 360 no-scope. We welcome you with open arms to this Beautiful town. We moved in here after the nuked this place up. Used to be called NukeTown but nobody likes nukes and everybody loves dah Kush. Everyday we grow our own Kush and smoke it all. We only have 8 rules here in KushTown.

1. You must Love Dah Kush
2. You must be able to grow dat kush
3. Everybody shares Kush here, we are a family
4. You must be able to do a 360 no-scope
5. You open the Nuke shed without permesion and we will Take all your Kush for a month
6. No murdering other KushTown residents unless they challenge you to 1v1 nife fight
7. Every Saturday we pray to Shrek. you must believe in Shrek or you can not live in KushTown.
8. The only videogame you are allowed to play in KushTown is Mario Kart 8 for WiiU

Other than those rules you are free to do as you please. Remember, True Legends never die, they only respawn.

*Our population is actually closer to 4200 if you really want to know

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