Tuesday 30 September 2014

A True Legend

We had yet another war with those desert bluff assholes. They always think that their Kush is better than ours but everybody in the entire fuking universe, even God himself knows Our Kush is The best. So we settled this the only way we knew how. A 1V1 Knife Fight. We sent Jimmy over to fight sum DB A-hole. We all spectated from a distance to prove that we had the best Kush. The fight lasted 4 minutes 20 seconds. at the 4:19 mark Jimmy sprang forward into a dolphin dive and Knifed that DB A-Hole right in the Scrotum. #Rekt. The Desert Bluffs DickBiscuits went home without their kush as we had taken it all in the 1V1 Knife fight. When Jimmy came back he had his head held high. We gave him complements because that Shit was Tight. We Then smoke dat Kush from 4:20 Am to 4:20 PM as is customary after winning a Knife Fight. We knew those DB guys would be back someday though, So we train every day. we blaze so hard even Snoop Dogg Gets Jelly. Till We Smoke Kush Again My Friend, goodbye.

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